I enjoyed this combination of headline and photo - Harry Kane reacts to knocking Arsenal out of the Champions League
Arsenal’s season seems to be turning a bit Spurs-y (or maybe it’s time to replace the word Spurs-y with North London-y?)

This is lovely
Frank Cottrell-Boyce talking about how the Queen jumped out of a helicopter for the 2012 Opening Ceremony 🎙️
When the Queen ‘jumped out of a helicopter - Witness History
Chelsea's pre-penalty playground squabble dissected by The Athletic
I thought this was amusing
The Athletic has a typically nerd-level-detail bit about Cole Palmer’s wonder goal on Monday
Branthwaite lunges desperately and does get a foot on the ball as Palmer continues his advance towards the Everton area, but the 21-year-old centre-back does not make enough contact to stop Chelsea’s top scorer.
Palmer carries on under pressure from Amadou Onana, while Garner is also now in the frame after sprinting from Chelsea’s half. As both men threaten to make Palmer the meat in an uncomfortable Everton sandwich, the Chelsea man produces an audacious back-heel flick behind Onana towards his team-mate Nicolas Jackson.
…and then they’ve done the same thing for the playground-style squabble over who should take the penalty later on.
Both embarrassing and funny ⚽
… Madueke’s momentum carries him slightly past Gusto, while Jackson’s superior judgement of space and speed enables him to cup the ball in two hands.
It looks for all the world as if Jackson now has control of the situation, but Madueke — who allowed himself to be discouraged from taking the match-winning penalty off Palmer in the closing minutes at home against Manchester United 11 days earlier — knows strength of will, not quality of technique, is the most important factor here
I got 11 out of 16
Liz Truss quiz: did she really say that in her book?
Can you guess which things Liz Truss actually claimed in her book and which are our fantastic inventions?
#TodayILearned that Chris Spedding, who produced the Cramps, and possibly the Sex Pistols, and had a hit with MotorBikin' was also one of the Wombles
Underground, Overground - Mike Batt on Word in your Ear - youtu.be/5JUqyAp7H…
Chris Spedding - Wikipedia - en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chri…
Remember You’re A Womble by The Wombles - songwhip.com/thewomble…
Arsenal, Liverpool, and Tottenham all lost.
I just need a Chelsea win tomorrow night and my happiness will be complete🙏🙏⚽ no
I had a lovely day out going to Saint Mary’s yesterday
It reminded me that, when Child Two was in Brazil, his friends there had never heard of Salisbury (despite the novichok), or Stonehenge, but they had heard of Southampton….because of the football

Todays browser wallpaper is pleasantly familiar - I’ve not seen Pulteney Bridge from that angle

I’ve been doing this, after a fashion, for a few years…but I didn’t know ‘weeknotes’ were a thing.
I’ve not read all of this as yet, but I will do Doing weeknotes
“At this point, I’m pretty sure, that if I lost my .zsh_history I probably wouldn’t be able to do my job anymore. Most of the commands I run are really just CTRL+R plus minor edits.” [Shell History Is Your Best Productivity Tool - Martin Heinz] (https://martinheinz.dev/blog/110?utm_source=tldrnewsletter)
Me too, although replacing .zsh_history with whatever’s in $(Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePath
This used to be the shop next door to the house I grew up in
Then it was ‘Spire Models’
And now it’s ‘Pi e Ode’
Offering, perhaps, disjointed poems about pastry products 📷

I keep looking at my phone and seeing that Strava is open
Either I’m opening it by accident, or my phone is nagging me to stop being so ruddy lazy

A good article about xz and open source and ‘source-available’ companies
The threat to open source comes from within

Interesting point in this, at least for politics nerds like myself
Famously, JFK performed better in the Presidential debates than Nixon, according to TV viewers, but less well according to radio listeners
Danny Finkelstein says that a recent study suggests that this is entirely explained by radio listeners being more rural, more conservative and more likely to vote for Nixon in the first place
It’s clearly not the main point of my friend Tom’s podcast, but #TodayILearned that ‘Kosovo’ is derived from ‘Kosovo Polje’ which means ‘the field of blackbirds’….which I quite like
The Hated and the Dead podcast: Kosovo Serbs - podtail.com/en/podcas…
Fiona Wilson for PM!
“Fictional Labour frontbencher better known than real ones, survey finds Fiona Wilson was known to 47% of respondents, with 15% feeling ‘favourable’ towards her” - www.standard.co.uk/news/poli…
Today’s newly-acquired superpower is remembering that, in vim, ‘*’ jumps you to the next occurrence of the word the cursor is on. Super useful for jumping between a function and calls to that function.

I’ve very much enjoyed everyone’s thoughts about, and photos of, the eclipse. Thank you.
Chiming podcasts and the importance of any other business
I like it when un-related things chime.
In this instance, it’s two podcast episodes that I listened to last week
The first tells of a minutes secretary, ‘the lowest form of life’, taking minutes at a constituency Labour Party meeting. They get to Any Other Business….and the sitting MP says he’s quitting. The minutes secretary, a young Neil Kinnock, breaks his pencil lead in surprise, but goes on to become the MP, and much later, the Leader of the Labour Party
‘Neil Kinnock FULL DISCLOSURE WITH JAMES O’BRIEN’ - podtail.com/podcast/f…
The second is about a journalist, Giovanna Chirri, who is covering a Vatican committee meeting of some kind, in Latin. They get to the end of the meeting, and Pope Benedict has some AOB….he is going to abdicate. He’s the first Pope for 500 years to do so. The journalist, after checking she hasn’t misunderstood the Latin, has the world exclusive and consequently becomes something of a celebrity herself 🎙️
‘I told the world Pope Benedict XVI was resigning’ - www.bbc.co.uk/programme…
Achievemt unlocked. Wetherspoons breakfast and Toby Carvery, on the same day
If you keep believing your dreams can come true