Do remember to keep your toothbrushes updated
Millions of hacked toothbrushes used in Swiss cyber attack | The Independent 🦷
Charles Dickens on my hometown
On the occasion of his 212th birthday, this is from Martin Chuzzlewit
Mr Pinch had a shrewd notion that Salisbury was a very desperate sort of place; an exceeding wild and dissipated city; and when he had put up the horse, and given the hostler to understand that he would look in again in the course of an hour or two to see him take his corn, he set forth on a stroll about the streets with a vague and not unpleasant idea that they teemed with all kinds of mystery and bedevilment.
To one of his quiet habits this little delusion was greatly assisted by the circumstance of its being market-day, and the thoroughfares about the market-place being filled with carts, horses, donkeys, baskets, waggons, garden-stuff, meat, tripe, pies, poultry and huckster’s wares of every opposite description and possible variety of character.
Then there were young farmers and old farmers with smock-frocks, brown great-coats, drab great-coats, red worsted comforters, leather-leggings, wonderful shaped hats, hunting-whips, and rough sticks, standing about in groups, or talking noisily together on the tavern steps, or paying and receiving huge amounts of greasy wealth, with the assistance of such bulky pocket-books that when they were in their pockets it was apoplexy to get them out, and when they were out it was spasms to get them in again.
Also there were farmers’ wives in beaver bonnets and red cloaks, riding shaggy horses purged of all earthly passions, who went soberly into all manner of places without desiring to know why, and who, if required, would have stood stock still in a china shop, with a complete dinner-service at each hoof.
Also a great many dogs, who were strongly interested in the state of the market and the bargains of their masters; and a great confusion of tongues, both brute and human
it’s one of those mornings when I’m doubting the wisdom of a 50-something continuing to play football with a lot of 20-somethings ⚽
i love this. Noddy Holder says he had more number one singles than yhe rest of the chaps in Slade because he was singing along at the side of the Coventry Locarno stage when Chuck Berry recorded My Ding a Ling
Function to return markdown link for a URL
This function accepts a URL and returns a markdown link for the URL:
function Get-MarkdownLinkForUrl {
Get the webpage, extract the title, and build a markdown link for the specified URL
param (
$DebugPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('DebugPreference')
$Webpage = invoke-webrequest $Url
$Webpage.Content -match "<title>(?<title>.*)</title>" | out-null
$Title = $matches['Title']
set-alias gmd Get-MarkdownLinkForUrl
It’s run as follows:
…which returns:
[Chelsea win Champions League on penalties over Bayern Munich | Champions League 2011-12 | The Guardian](
which when rendered looks like this:
“I look at it and think what an awful job I did retouching the horizon. It looks like I did it with a toothbrush”
Sleeve designer Kosh on the cover of Who’s Next 📷🎵🎙️💬🪥
Word in your Attic podcast -…

#TodayILearned that there’s a Coney Island in County Down, in the North of Ireland as well as the Coney Island near New York
(I gave up geography when I was 13 and I don’t really travel…so most of my knowledge of the outside world comes from rock and roll and football)
What I learned in 2017 (according to my twitter archive)
Dec 27, 2017
#TodayILearned that Morrissey is a cousin of Robbie Keane…
Dec 21, 2017
#TodayILearned that a-Ha’s Take On Me never got to number one
Shocked, tbh…
Dec 18, 2017
#TodayILearned that 40% of the people on the Sgt Peppers cover were chosen by the @thebeatles , and the rest by the artists…
Dec 16, 2017
#TodayILearned that referees have to measure the length of the grass on a football pitch @henrywinter
Dec 15, 2017
#TodayILearned that in a Wild West Two-Bit Saloon, all drinks cost two bits
So Clint Eastwood never needed change
Dec 15, 2017
#TodayILearned that Last Christmas is the best-selling record to never have reached Number 11…
### Dec 11, 2017
#TodayILearned that @realDonaldTrump has, according to @qikipedia , played more rounds of golf this year than Rory McIlRoy…
Dec 5, 2017
#TodayILearned that cello can be spelt ‘cello.
The apostrophe denotes abbreviation from violoncello which can be tranlated as little, big viol
Or something
Dec 5, 2017
#TodayILearned that Just a Minute originally had a round in which you couldn’t use plurals
Nov 21, 2017
#TodayILearned that the Likely Lads was filmed in Harlesdon…
Nov 20, 2017
#TodayILearned that Rikki, who shouldn’t lose Steely Dan’s number, is a real person, and a writer… Via @GregProops
Nov 14, 2017
#TodayILearned that the fingering on a saxophone is the same as on a flute….Should’ve known, really Via @bartoncummings on…
Nov 6, 2017
#TodayILearned that basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was too tall to get drafted for Vietnam… (via @marcmaron)
Nov 3, 2017
#TodayILearned that John Peel played the first Eno/Fripp LP backwards
Eno rang the BBC but couldn’t get through
Oct 27, 2017
#TodayILearned Sir Geoff wasn’t sure whether the LAST goal (not the did-it-cross-the-line one) counted…
Oct 4, 2017
#TodayILearned that the Honey Monster was previously in Cliff Richard films…
Sep 28, 2017
#TodayILearned that Lonnie Donnegan recorded Rock Island Line in the same month Elvis did That’s Alright Mama…
Sep 27, 2017
#TodayILearned that Mrs Thatcher probably didn’t help to invent Mr Whippy ice cream
Sep 25, 2017
#TodayILearned that Woodhenge was originally called Dough Cover.
I have no idea why.
Sep 21, 2017
#TodayILearned that Antonio Conte debuted in Serie A at the age of 16.
I expect he was quite scary even then
Sep 20, 2017
#TodayILearned that Great Britain is 0.54% golf course…
Sep 19, 2017
#TodayILearned that Karl Marx DIDN’T want to dedicate Das Kapital to Charles Darwin…
Sep 14, 2017
#TodayILearned that the Soup Dragons’ hit I’m Free is a Rolling Stones cover via @EdiBow
Sep 4, 2017
#TodayILearned that before #DesertIslandDiscs there was show called Marooned with a Gramophone… via @DavidLloydRADIO
Aug 29, 2017
#TodayILearned that the Bayeux Tapestry depicts 600 men and 3 women…
Aug 23, 2017
#TodayILearned that Dr Seuss is properly pronounced ‘Zoyce’
Aug 22, 2017
#TodayILearned that, in the course of 1935, Churchill spent the equivalent of $62,000 on champagne
Aug 22, 2017
#TodayILearned you can make a page auto-refresh by putting this in the html header: http-equiv=“refresh” content=“5”
Aug 22, 2017
#TodayILearned that Trigger’s Broom has a classical precursor, the Ship of Theseus
Aug 21, 2017
#TodayILearned that in Ilchester the river Yeo is called the Ivel
Only other alternative river name I know of is the Isis/Thames in Oxford
Aug 9, 2017
#TodayILearned ‘boracic lint’ was a medical dressing which gave rise to the rhyming slang for ‘skint’…
Aug 8, 2017
#TodayILearned Falmouth, Jamaica (pop. 7,779) is the birthplace of Luther Blissett, Ben Johnson and Usain Bolt2
Aug 6, 2017
#TodayILearned that the average speed on the M25 is 25 mph, according to this:…
Aug 4, 2017
Aug 2, 2017
#TodayILearned that you can type :prev and :next in vim to move between files.
How I failed to learn this before now remains a mystery
Jul 31, 2017
#TodayILearned who Saint Pancras was
Jul 17, 2017
#TodayILearned that the BBC rejected an essay by Dorothy L Sayers because ‘our public do not want to be admonished by a woman’
Jul 11, 2017
#TodayILearned that ‘stiff upper lip’ is an Americanism.
I say!
Jul 3, 2017
#TodayILearned that Frank Bryce is ‘one of only 5 characters whose thoughts are directly disclosed by the narrator’…
Jun 8, 2017
#TodayILearned to count the occurences of one string in another:
([regex]::Matches(“Famous CFC”, “C” )).count
Jun 5, 2017
#TodayILearned Bryan Ferry was once a ceramics teacher at Holland Pk Comp
Also learned some schls had ceramics teachers
Via @davidhepworth
Jun 2, 2017
#TodayILearned that King Tubby was actually fairly skinny
May 25, 2017
#TodayILearned you can put ‘comments’ in Markdown files like this:
…& it won’t show on the webpage
May 25, 2017
#TodayILearned that Jose Mourinho and his wife Mathilde have two children, called Jose and Mathilde…
May 17, 2017
#TodayILearned that soul producer Tom Dowd previously worked on the Manhattan Project… via @WIYElondon / @tonyfletcher
May 5, 2017
#TodayILearned that a German word for ‘lower back tattoo’ translates literally as ‘arse-antlers’… - thx @KoryStamper !
Apr 16, 2017
#TodayILearned that UK artists earn more from vinyl sales than they do from YouTube payments
Mar 30, 2017
#TodayILearned that Roger Corman owned the film title ‘The Fast and The Furious’…
Mar 28, 2017
#TodayILearned that only 3.2% of @premierleague corners lead to goals…
Mar 16, 2017
#TodayILearned that, long before AXA, Harold Wilson adopted the phrase ‘little things that mean a lot’…
Mar 15, 2017
#TodayILearned that JMW Turner did a nice painting of Saint Martin’s church in Salisbury…
Mar 10, 2017
#TodayILearned that Wilkie Collins' mother grew up in Alderbury
Mar 2, 2017
#TodayILearned that Enoch Powell voted for Attlee rather than Churchill in 1945
Thought WC would appoint appeasers
Feb 26, 2017
#TodayILearned that 1 in 30 pound coins is fake.
I guess this is #FakeNews
### Feb 24, 2017
#TodayILearned that the revolving restaurant at the top of the Post Office Tower was originally run by @Butlins…
Feb 23, 2017
#TodayILearned that Marjorie Merriweather Post left Mar-a-Lago to the nation to be used as ‘a winter Whitehouse’…
Feb 22, 2017
#TodayILearned that if your try and configure SSRS 2012 with the 2008 Configurator thing you get ‘Provider Load Failure’
Feb 22, 2017
#TodayILearned that ‘Born to Do It’ is a Willy Wonka reference. Obviously.…
Feb 21, 2017
#TodayILearned that, originally, ‘Dutch Courage’ was, specifically, gin…
Feb 17, 2017
#TodayILearned that in the 1730s there was one gin shop for every 11 houses in London.
Gin was the equivalent of today’s cappucino…
To view keyboard shortcuts, press question mark View keyboard shortcuts #TodayILearned (from:salisbury_matt) until:2017-12-31 since:2017-01-01 Top Latest People Media Lists See new posts Search timeline
Mar 10, 2017
#TodayILearned that Wilkie Collins' mother grew up in Alderbury
Mar 2, 2017
#TodayILearned that Enoch Powell voted for Attlee rather than Churchill in 1945
Thought WC would appoint appeasers
Feb 26, 2017
#TodayILearned that 1 in 30 pound coins is fake.
I guess this is #FakeNews
Feb 24, 2017
#TodayILearned that the revolving restaurant at the top of the Post Office Tower was originally run by @Butlins…
Feb 23, 2017
#TodayILearned that Marjorie Merriweather Post left Mar-a-Lago to the nation to be used as ‘a winter Whitehouse’…
Feb 22, 2017
#TodayILearned that if your try and configure SSRS 2012 with the 2008 Configurator thing you get ‘Provider Load Failure’ #IdiotDBAOnTheLoose
Feb 22, 2017
#TodayILearned that ‘Born to Do It’ is a Willy Wonka reference. Obviously.…
Feb 21, 2017
#TodayILearned that, originally, ‘Dutch Courage’ was, specifically, gin…
Feb 17, 2017
#TodayILearned that in the 1730s there was one gin shop for every 11 houses in London.
Gin was the equivalent of today’s cappucino…
Feb 16, 2017
#TodayILearned there is a rather interesting-looking company called New Sarum Brewing in Salisbury, North Carolina
Feb 13, 2017
#TodayILearned a new word - ‘shrinkflation’…
Feb 4, 2017
#TodayILearned that there is a Barbie version of a Christmas Carol
Feb 3, 2017
#TodayILearned about the Green Book, which advised on ‘Vacation without Aggravation’
Jan 28, 2017
#TodayILearned that US soldier Leon Hendrix was put on ‘potato peeling duty’ cos of the way his brother Jimi played the StarSpangled Banner
Jan 23, 2017
#TodayILearned that the Fighting Temeraire saved Nelson’s Victory from capture by the French at Trafalgar…
Jan 20, 2017
#TodayILearned that Kings Lynn was previously Bishops Lynn…
Jan 17, 2017
#TodayILearned that Michael Stipe was offered the role of the killer in ‘Seven’… via @WNYC
Jan 16, 2017
#TodayILearned that Cary Grant had a dog called Archie Leach…
Jan 13, 2017
#TodayILearned that one third of ex-council houses bought under Mrs T’s Right to Buy scheme are now owned by private landlords.
Jan 12, 2017
#TodayILearned that in the UK in 2012 more tickets were sold for professional theatre than for professional football. Via @Davidsgoldblatt
Jan 11, 2017
#TodayILearned that ‘thou’ and ‘you’ in English are rough equivalents of ‘tu’ and ‘vous’ in French.
Never realised.…
Jan 6, 2017
#TodayILearned that the first English Tiger shop was in Basingstoke…
Jan 3, 2017
#TodayILearned that Tolstoy was a veggie…
Jan 2, 2017
#TodayILearned how to do a screenshot on my Windows Phone
Wham did reach Number 1 with Last Christmas in 2023 ↩︎
Someone from Falmouth replied to this saying ‘We likkle but we tallawah’, which means small but powerful. Can’t really argue.… ↩︎
TodayILearned that the Egyptian pyramids were built by people doing something like National Service rather than slaves
This is a great long read from the Guardian, and a great collection of photographs.
I particularly like Stephen Twigg’s smirk, Liz Truss' lettuce and Ian Paisley looking like a malevolent Teddy Boy…but my favourite ever political photo is this one 📷📸

#TodayILearned that Phil Bowdery, who was one of Mud’s roadies who did the “Tiger Feet” on Top of the Pops, is now executive president of Live Nation.
I bet the former job was more fun
(via Uncut magazine)
Mud - Tiger Feet, Top of the Pops, 1974
#TodayILearned that “In the year 2000, the average house deposit was £9,865. In 2023, it was £62,500.
To put things another way: 20 years ago, you would only have to get to question eight out of 15 on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? to be most of the way towards a deposit; now you’d have to get to question 11”
What I learned in 2016 (according to my twitter archive)
Dec 23, 2016
#TodayILearned that Angelina Jolie has a Christopher Marlowe quotation as a tattoo… via @jeffgoins 1
Nov 28, 2016
#TodayILearned that the pincers of a scorpion are called ‘pedipalps’ and that baby scorpions are ‘scorplings’…
Nov 23, 2016
#TodayILearned that currently sitting male MPs outnumber all the female MPs there have ever been2…
Nov 16, 2016
#TodayILearned that in British Cluedo, Dr Black gets murdered, whereas in America the victim is Mr Boddy
Nov 16, 2016
#TodayILearned that WW2 double agents were run by ‘the Twenty Committee’.
20 being XX in Roman - a double cross System
Nov 15, 2016
#TodayILearned that the drummer of Amon Duul II also drummed on ‘I Feel Love’ and wrote ‘Don’t you (forget about me)’
Nov 15, 2016
#TodayILearned that production dropped by 10% during the 3-day week
Nov 15, 2016
#TodayILearned that a publisher called Hugo Gernsback coined the word ‘scientifiction’ in 1916, then un-shortened it to ‘science fiction’[^3>
Nov 10, 2016
#TodayILearned that ‘budgerigar’ comes from Native Australian ‘budgeri’ meaning ‘good’ and ‘gar’ meaning ‘cockatoo’
Nov 5, 2016
#TodayILearned that Pippin in Come Outside was initially played by a dog called Pippin, but was replaced by her grandson, Mr. Higgins
Nov 4, 2016
#TodayILearned that Woody Guthrie wrote a protest song about Donald Trump’s dad.
Nov 2, 2016
#TodayILearned that the Mantis Shrimp has the strongest punch in the natural world
Oct 30, 2016
#TodayILearned that a ‘maelstrom’ is a whirlpool. Specifically the Moskstraumen, in the Norwegian Sea. Via @simonwwriter on @abcconvos
Oct 5, 2016
#TodayILearned that ‘Moby’, as in Moby-Dick and @thelittleidiot, possibly derives from Mocha and Toby. Maybe.
Oct 5, 2016
#TodayILearned that 1/3 of visitors to @Disneyland are adults unaccompanied by children via @studio360show
Oct 3, 2016
#TodayILearned that if the Memorial Abraham Lincoln stood up he’d be 28 feet tall via @studio360show
Oct 2, 2016
#TodayILearned a new word, ‘bookazine’. I don’t think I like it very much.
Sep 27, 2016
#TodayILearned that Leonard Rossiter(Rigsby, Reggie and of course Le Petomane) first appeared @SalisburyPlay in 1956…
Sep 27, 2016
#TodayILearned the Penguin books-Exeter station story belongs in the Fiction Section -via @StuartKells on @abcconvos…
Sep 22, 2016
#TodayILearned that one man wrote Reach for the Sky, Dam Busters and Great Escape - Paul Brickhill. Was war hero…
Sep 17, 2016
#TodayILearned that #Strictly winner & all round good BBC chap @ChrisHollinsTV is @chelseafc hero John Hollins' son
Sep 12, 2016
#TodayILearned that @theresa_may ’s parents were called Zaidee and Hubert. Nice names.
Sep 8, 2016
#TodayILearned that Strongbow cider was named for Richard ‘Strongbow’ de Clare, a Norman knight who invaded Ireland Strongbox cider on Wikipedia
Sep 2, 2016
#TodayILearned via @Moby , that @DavidBowieReal based Heroes on the Velvets' Waiting for the Man Youtube ….
Sep 2, 2016
#TodayILearned that Shakespeare’s vocabulary was wider than @llcoolj ’s but not as wide as the @WuTangClan’s… #dataviz
Sep 1, 2016
#TodayILearned that @jeremycorbyn refused to share an #EUReferendum stage with Tony Blair…
Sep 1, 2016
#TodayILearned that Thomas Bodley (as in @bodleianlibs) wouldn’t stock Shakespeare’s works classifying it among “riff raff & baggage books”
Aug 31, 2016
#TodayILearned that Peter the Great was 6ft 7
Aug 28, 2016
#TodayILearned that Jem Finer of the Pogues is the son of political scientist Samuel Finer…
Aug 28, 2016
#TodayILearned that ‘Kwesi’ in Linton Kwesi Johnson means that he was born on a Sunday…
Aug 26, 2016
#TodayILearned that @Butlins ' slogan ‘Our true intent is all for your delight.’ is from A Midsummer Night’s Dream:…
Aug 24, 2016
#TodayILearned that Angie Baby was ‘loosely based on the character in the Beatles’ “Lady Madonna."’…
Aug 23, 2016
#TodayILearned that Nick Cave maintains (or maintained) a filofax-dictionary-list-of-good-words thing
Aug 23, 2016
#TodayILearned that Donald Trump seems to be a Neil Young fan…
Aug 11, 2016
#TodayILearned that Steel Pulse were named after the winner of the 1972 Irish Derby…
Aug 3, 2016
#TodayILearned that shortening rhyming slang so it no longer rhymes (butchers, whistle, etc) is called ‘hemiteleia’…
Aug 2, 2016
#TodayILearned that Cheryl Baker was also a member of previous Eurovision entrants Coco…
Jul 22, 2016
#TodayILearned that the bloke who wrote the Exorcist also co-wrote Shot In the Dark (via @wittertainment )
Jul 9, 2016
#TodayILearned that Those Were The Days was originally the Russian song “??????? ???????”… Those_Were_the_Days(song)
Jul 7, 2016
#TodayILearned that Abba were originally ‘Festfolket’, which translates as Party People and/or ‘The Engaged Couples’
Jul 7, 2016
#TodayILearned that the American spelling of ‘liquorice’ is ‘licorice’.
I might start spelling it ‘lickorish’
Jul 5, 2016
#TodayILearned that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is buried in Minstead in the New Forest[^4] [^4:] Minstead is near where I live, in Salisbury, England
Jun 26, 2016
#TodayILearned that Mary Shelley, her parents, & Percy Shelly’s heart are buried together in Bournemouth
Jun 25, 2016
#TodayILearned (actually reminded myself) that the Ancient Chinese Curse is probably neither ancient nor Chinese
Jun 22, 2016
#TodayILearned that a ‘phonestheme’ is a sound that is in words with similar meanings. ‘gl’ in glitter, gleam, glow.
Jun 21, 2016
#TodayILearned that Cubby Broccoli’s first choice for James Bond was Cary Grant
Jun 17, 2016
#TodayILearned that Vivien Leigh lived in Zeals, in Wiltshire (via @scandalwomen)
Jun 15, 2016
#TodayILearned that the recycling symbol was designed by a chap called Gary Anderson, who won a design-a-recycling-symbol competition
Jun 14, 2016
#TodayILearned that both Benito Mussolini and Nicolae Ceausescu were given honorary kighthoods…
Jun 12, 2016
#TodayILearned that the chap after whom the mountain is named pronounced his name ‘eve-rest’
Jun 10, 2016
#TodayILearned that 1 in every 825 Icelanders is a @UEFA B-level coach. In England it’s 1 in every 11,000…
Jun 10, 2016
#TodayILearned that one of the chaps in band who did The Avenue was also in the 5-7-0-5 band……
Jun 1, 2016
#TodayILearned Houdini turned against spiritiualism after failed ‘automatic writing’ session with Jean Conan Doyle…
Jun 1, 2016
#TodayILearned that ‘Göbekli Tepe’ (Turkish archaelogical site) means ‘Pot-Bellied Hill’
May 24, 2016
#TodayILearned that a ‘zawn’ is a coastal gorge, created by the sea (via Robert Macfarlane @GuardianBooks podcast)…
May 20, 2016
#TodayILearned you can see placenames Runnymede, Windsor & Staines at the bottom of the @SalisburyCath Magna Carta, amongst all the Latin
May 19, 2016
#TodayILearned that in the world of pencils ‘H’ is for hardness and ‘B’ is for blackness…
May 16, 2016
#TodayILearned that @KTTunstall ’s ‘Suddenly I See’ is about the photo of Patti Smith on ‘Horses’ (via @SodaJerker…)
May 13, 2016
#TodayILearned that if you’re lying face down then you’re prone, if you’re on you’re back you’re supine.…
May 9, 2016
#TodayILearned that Miss Belinda Blurb was made up to recommend a 1906 book called Are You a Bromide?
May 4, 2016
#TodayILearned that ‘Kylie’ means ‘boomerang’ (via Desert Island Discs)…
Apr 29, 2016
#TodayILearned that @ChelseaFC alternated English and Scottish managers until 1967 Chelsea managers on wikipedia
Apr 28, 2016
#TodayILearned that Ian Hislop was appointed editor of @PrivateEyeNews at the age of 26.
I can’t imagine him ever having been 26
Apr 27, 2016
#TodayILearned that Heinz beans are 130 years old…
Apr 22, 2016
#TodayILearned that Mark Ronson’s dad wrote this song for Mark Ronson’s mum (via @nprmusic…)
Apr 21, 2016
#TodayILearned that in 1980 National Security Advisor was told at 3am the USSR had launched 230 missiles. Alarm caused by faulty 46-cent chip
Apr 13, 2016
#TodayILearned that there was a stagecoach called The Salisbury Diligence. Not very lucky
Apr 12, 2016
#TodayILearned what the Python programming language is named after…
Mar 24, 2016
#TodayILearned that #gohugo weightings work best for me if I don’t prefix them with a ‘0’
Mar 17, 2016
#TodayILearned the man himself wasn’t sure how to pronounce ‘Bowie’ From v good @bbcworldservice podcast doc…
Mar 17, 2016
#TodayILearned Luther Vandross was once one of David Bowie’s backing singers - downloadable @bbcworldservice doc…
Mar 16, 2016
#TodayILearned that the Irish arm of Automattic, the Wordpress company, is called Aut O’Mattic…
Mar 10, 2016
#TodayILearned that they recorded Sgt Peppers on two 4 track recorders that they cabled together (via @Sillywhite on @talkSPORT)
Mar 4, 2016
#TodayILearned that there is a paint colour called Stonehenge Greige, and that ‘Greige’ is a mix of grey and beige
Mar 3, 2016
#TodayILearned that Krusty the Clown was based on a clown from Portland, called Rusty Nails… Jame H Allen on Wikipedia
Feb 18, 2016
#TodayILearned that 2 dogs were executed in Salem. Very good podcast on ‘The Witches: Salem, 1692’ @stacyschiff
Feb 11, 2016
#TodayILearned that images of knights fighting snails are common in 13th century manuscripts…
Feb 8, 2016
#TodayILearned that before I get up early to spend quality time in the #cfc waiting room,I should check that the on-sale date hasn’t changed
Jan 25, 2016
#TodayILearned that George Clooney made his breakthrough playing a drug dealer in a play about Sid Vicious…
Jan 21, 2016
#TodayILearned that the opposite of ‘Brexit’ is ‘Bremain’
The quotation is “Quod me nutrit me destruit”, which means “That which nourishes me destroys me.” There’s a discussion about Marlowe and the quotation here: “That Which Nourishes Me Destroys Me”: Christopher Marlowe and Our Deals with the Devil - Christ and Pop Culture ↩︎
Although this may have been true in 2016, it’s not now. According to Female Members of Parliament - House of Commons Library there have been 563 women MPs. There are currently 425 men MPs. There has been an influx of women MPs since2016 - looking at List of female members of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, 129 have been elected to the Commons for the first time ↩︎
There’s a chap in this bit in the Guardian who says American football is rigged so that Taylor Swift’s boyfriend gets to the Super Bowl final, and the ensuing publicity for Swift will enable Biden to win the election
I will be finding a way to reuse and repurpose this theory if Liverpool beat Chelsea tonight ⚽🏈
The only thing more nostalgia-inducing than old TV adverts are TV adverts for companies you once worked for.
Anyway, I got a big Proust-y rush from Sky’s parody of the old Sony ad 📺

Some good news in the news
[BBC News - Northern Ireland: Sinn Féin hails ‘day of optimism’ after DUP agrees return to power-sharing - BBC News] (
#TodayILearned that here are whole books about the Beatles in Bath, the Paul is Dead nonsense, and how John Lennon sold his soul
I might describe this as geek-y…but I’m watching a video of a podcast on books about the Beatles so who am I to judge? 🎵
M’young friend Tom refers to Putin’s eventual successor as ‘he or she’
The idea that it might actually be a ‘she’ made took me back a bit, if I’m honest
Well worth listening to, in any case 🎙️
#TodayILearned that “With VS Code release 1.30 you can type Shift + Enter in the search box to add a newline character”
Find and replace with a newline in Visual Studio Code - Stack Overflow

#TodayILearned that the first two lines of Billy Bragg’s A New England are taken from Simon and Garfunkel’s Leaves that are Green
I was twenty-one years when I wrote this song I’m twenty-two now but I won’t be for long