This was the Powershell code I used to create the all the podcasts I’ve ever tweeted about post.

I downloaded the tweets from Twitter itself - I think there was a link somewhere within ‘Settings’

The .csv file looks like this:

Tweets csv file

So the code is:

$PodTweets = Import-Csv c:temptweets.csv | ? text -like "*podcast*"

$TweetsAsHtml = foreach ($P in $PodTweets)
#   write-output $P.timestamp.Substring(0,10)

   # Splitting the tweet text into words to allow for the processing of urls
   $TweetTextAsArray = $P.text.split(" ")


   foreach ($Word in $TweetTextAsArray)
        if ($Word -like "http:*")
            # if there is an expanded_url, then use that instead
            if ($P.expanded_urls -ne "")
                $Word = $P.expanded_urls

                # for some reason the expanded url is sometimes repeated in the download
                if ($Word -like "*,*")
                    $Word = $Word.split(",")[0]

            # re-format the URL as a link
            $Word = "`<a href=`"$Word`"`>$Word`<`/a`>"
        $TextWithLink = "$TextWithLink$Word "


    # create an object and output that
    $properties = @{'TweetDate'=$P.timestamp.Substring(0,10);

    $ReformattedTweets = New-Object -Type PSObject -Prop $properties

    write-output $ReformattedTweets


$TweetsAsHtml | fl | out-file -encoding ascii -FilePath x.txt -width 1000