how to see veeam backups in powershell
This allows you to see veeam backups for a specified server over the last week.
The code
Enter-PSSession yourveeamserver
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapIn
Get-VBRBackupSession | ? JobName -like "*yourtargetserver*" | ? endtime -gt $(get-date).adddays(-7) |
select jobname, jobtype, creationtime, endtime, result, state | sort-object -property jobname, endtime |
ft -AutoSize
Explaining this a little…..
This line ‘remotes’ to the veeam server. Getting Powershell remoting set-up is another subject. I’d recommend the Powershell help topic about_remote_troubleshooting, if it doesn’t ‘just work’.
Enter-PSSession yourveeamserver
This loads all the veeam cmdlets into memory
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapIn
This line depends on your Veeam job having the name of the server you’re interested in, in the title. You can run a command to show which job backs up which database. I’ll perhaps post that soon.
Get-VBRBackupSession | ? JobName -like "*yourtargetserver*" | ? endtime -gt $(get-date).adddays(-7) |
select jobname, jobtype, creationtime, endtime, result, state | sort-object -property jobname, endtime |
ft -AutoSize