I don’t use git much, and I’m far too lazy to consult the docco so to find a command I’d probably used before I did this:

hhh git | where-object line -notmatch 'diff|add|push|commit| rm '

….where hhh is an alias to a crappy little function I wrote:

function get-MTPSavePAthHistory {
      Search through history
    Param ($Pattern = "*",
        $Tail = 50)

    [string]$HistoryFile = $(Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePAth
    if ($Pattern -eq "*") {
        get-content -tail $Tail 
    else {
        Select-string "$Pattern" $HistoryFile | select-object line

Set-Alias -Name hhh -Value get-MTPSavePAthHistory

What I really did

It gets worse

Because I am a numpty, and I couldn’t remember whether whether -notmatch would work in this context, what I really did was this:

hhh git | ? line -notlike "*add*" | ? line -notlike "*diff*" | ? line -notlike "*commit*"| ? line -notlike "*push*"