This function accepts a URL and returns a markdown link for the URL:

function Get-MarkdownLinkForUrl {
    Get the webpage, extract the title, and build a markdown link for the specified URL
    param (

    $DebugPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('DebugPreference')

    $Webpage = invoke-webrequest $Url
    $Webpage.Content -match "<title>(?<title>.*)</title>" | out-null
    $Title = $matches['Title']


set-alias gmd Get-MarkdownLinkForUrl

It’s run as follows:


…which returns:

[Chelsea win Champions League on penalties over Bayern Munich | Champions League 2011-12 | The Guardian](

which when rendered looks like this:

Chelsea win Champions League on penalties over Bayern Munich | Champions League 2011-12 | The Guardian