I like it when un-related things chime.

In this instance, it’s two podcast episodes that I listened to last week

The first tells of a minutes secretary, ‘the lowest form of life’, taking minutes at a constituency Labour Party meeting. They get to Any Other Business….and the sitting MP says he’s quitting. The minutes secretary, a young Neil Kinnock, breaks his pencil lead in surprise, but goes on to become the MP, and much later, the Leader of the Labour Party

‘Neil Kinnock FULL DISCLOSURE WITH JAMES O’BRIEN’ - podtail.com/podcast/f…

The second is about a journalist, Giovanna Chirri, who is covering a Vatican committee meeting of some kind, in Latin. They get to the end of the meeting, and Pope Benedict has some AOB….he is going to abdicate. He’s the first Pope for 500 years to do so. The journalist, after checking she hasn’t misunderstood the Latin, has the world exclusive and consequently becomes something of a celebrity herself 🎙️

‘I told the world Pope Benedict XVI was resigning’ - www.bbc.co.uk/programme…