Source the token

$BlogToken =  $(import-csv /stuff/GeneralParameters.csv | ? parameter -eq 'BlogToken').value

$headers = @{
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $BlogToken"

Get details for the

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Headers $headers

This is the bit to get the uid of the test blog - mine is a fairly simple variation on the name of the main blog…as below. The URLEncode returns ‘’

$response | select -ExpandProperty destination
$MpDestination = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode("")

build the Uri to upload to

$mediaEndpoint = $response."media-endpoint"
$Uri ="${mediaEndpoint}?mp-destination=$MpDestination" 

Identify the file to upload

$form = @{                                 
  file = Get-Item '/home/matty/working/spotify/images/Bethany Eve - Emerald City.png'

Upload it

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri  -Method Post -Headers $headers -Form $form 

And….hey presto

Auto-generated description: A geometric mandala design featuring green and black shapes surrounds the text Emerald City at the center.