pop music 🎡

    A friend has met Paul McCartney a couple of times

    I thought about what I’d say if I ever met him.

    I came to the conclusion that I’d ask him what his favourite Elvis song was

    I dreamt last night that I met Sir Paul in a cafe. I’m a bit disgruntled that in my dream I neglected to ask the question

    “1000 copies were pressed (which sell for Β£1000 upwards)”

    I sold my copy for Β£25…although to be fair I was glad of it at the time

    screen print from Classic Pop saying that the Sisters of Mercy's early single the Damage Done now sells for over 1000 pounds

    I asked Alexa to play the Sisters of Mercy this morning (yes….I’m an aged Goth, I guess), and got this

    I quite like it, tbh


    Screenshot of Spotify playing the Sisters of Mercy from 'Absolute Gregorian'

    I’m pleased for fans of Oasis, but it’s triggered a form of Fear of Missing Out

    They’ve reminded me that I’m never going to have the excitement of seeing any of my favourite bands reform.

    Not in this life anyway 🎡

    cramps LP coverPogues LP coverclsh LP cover

    I’m not much interested in the Oasis reunion from a musical point of view, but it would be nice if the Gallaghers are reconciled…especially for their mum

    Rock sages Mark Ellen and David Hepworth discuss musical plagiarism lawsuits in the attached

    At one point I think Hepworth refers to ‘ambience-chasing lawyers’….which I think is genius.


    Words I like - Missing You

    Who did you murder, are you a spy? I’m just fond of a drink, helps me laugh, helps me cry So I just drink red biddy for a permanent high I laugh a lot less and I’ll cry till I die

    Christy Moore - Missing You


    Christy Moore LP cover

    Words I Like - Three Lions (Football’s Coming Home)

    Jules Rimet, still gleaming

    Three Lions (Football’s Coming Home) by Baddiel, Skinner & Lightning Seeds, The Lightning Seeds - songwhip.com/baddiel-s…

    Stamp featuring the Jules Rimet trophy

    An Elvis story I hadn't heard before

    Songwriter Mike Stoller was in a mid-Atlantic ship collision in the 1950s. He abandoned ship into a ‘broken life boat’, and was eventually picked up by a cargo boat

    Stoller’s writing partner, Jerry Lieber, met him when he landed back in the US, and said that they had a hit with Hound Dog. Stoller said ‘With Big Mama Thornton’? No, said Lieber, it’s some white kid

    Stoller tells the story better than I do - podcasts.apple.com/qa/podcas…

    LP cover

    I have one thing to say today, and it’s this.

    ‘Get Over You’ is a better song than ‘Teenage Kicks’.

    Get Over You by The Undertones songwhip.com/the-under…

    undertones record sleeve

    I’m listening to Rolling Stone’s The 50 Worst Decisions in Music History. It’s good fun

    Coincidentally I was scrolling through Wikipedia’s list of Chelsea managers, as you do, and it struck me that binning Anceolotti and recruiting AVB might be one of the Worst Decisions in Football History

    Screen grab from Wikipedia's list of Chelsea managers

    This has been one of my favourite reggae songs over the last couple of years

    #TodayILearned, via Record Collector magazine, that ‘Niney’ was given that name as a nickname because he lost his thumb in an an accident

    Blood and Fire by Niney The Observer songwhip.com/nineytheo…

    Bette Davis on Jackie DeShannon’s song, Bette Davis Eyes

    Bette Davis was also a fan. β€œShe said the song made her cool to her grandchildren,” DeShannon says with a laugh.

    From this month’s Record Collector magazine

    Record collector cover

    Music news.

    I much prefer Shakira’s latest LP to Beyonce’s latest LP

    I hope Beyonce won’t be too upset.

    Shakira LP coverBeyonce LP cover

    πŸ“· photoblogging challenge #mbapr - unputdownable

    Somewhat negated by the fact that I have clearly put them down on the floor for the photo, but I think this might be the only book I’ve got two copies of - Dave Marsh’s The Heart of Rock and Soul

    Dave Marsh's The Heart of Rock and Soul - the original edition looking battered and bruised and a comparatively pristine newer version

    Karaoke doesn’t half make you appreciate professional singers 🎡

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