Achievemt unlocked. Wetherspoons breakfast and Toby Carvery, on the same day

If you keep believing your dreams can come true

Toby carvery logoWetherspoons logo

April 2024 Micro.Blog photo challenge, Day 5: Serene

I took this a couple of weeks ago

All around is chaos and flood, but Daffodil is serenely doing his thing, blooming away

daffodil surrounded by flood water

#TodayILearned that the first known use of the word ‘celebrity’ was by Geoffrey Chaucer, translating someone I didn’t catch the name of πŸŽ™οΈ…

I’d buy this as a t-shirt, or a mug, or a tattoo, or something βš½πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Result of Chelsea man utd match with scorers etc

This isn’t perfect, in that it doesn’t cope with the ‘nd’ in ‘2nd’, bit it’s good enough

A vim mapping to insert the day and date as a header for notes, journals etc

map <Leader>m :put =strftime('%A %dth %B %Y')<cr>:s/ 0/ /<cr>kJi## <Esc>

I don’t really play vinyl any more, but the card it came in gives me a big hit of nostalgia #mbapr photo challenge

LPs, viewed from the side. Mainly but not entirely the right way around

#TodayILearned that to comment out the currently selected text in VS Code you can do Ctrl + /…

Neil Young is on Spotify.

I bought this as a CD, but the thing wouldn’t play. When I got Spotify, he had withdrawn his music, for which I certainly don’t blame him.

Anyway, it’s nice to get to hear it now.

Neil Young - Greatest Hits…

Liz Truss and Brian Clough

I’ve always enjoyed unusual political metaphors - for a while I collected and tweeted a #BrexitMetaphorOfTheDay, possibly the only thing I enjoyed about that whole thing.

Anyway, in this article Liz Truss is compared to both Brian Clough and Jeremy Corbyn…which I think is rather good…

Brian Clough, in a Forest tracksuit

The thing I find slightly tricky with non-fiction audio books is that it’s easy to lose track of headings, sub-heading and changes of direction πŸ“–πŸŽ™οΈ

I rather half-heartedly collect old postcards of Salisbury and Stonehenge

There are a few different cards, none of which I’ve ever bought, of the 1906 railway crash at Salisbury station, in which 28 people died

I can’t conceive of anyone selling or buying postcards of a similar disaster today, really…it seems to me very much an example of “the past is a foreign country, they do things differently there”

Good podcast: The Hated and the Dead

Graphic for the podcast

The blurb says: “Kissinger said that ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad name. Each week, a guest and I discuss the life and legacy of one politician from recent times. Some are well-known, others obscure; all have left an indelible mark on our world, and often for the worse. Join me, Tom Leeman, in a journey through the corruptible and the controversial.”

I’d say: My young friend Tom interviews academics, politicians and journalists about figures from political history. It’s similar in tone to the BBC’s In Our TIme…but for me it’s more interesting

Link: The Hated and the Dead - Listen on Spotify - Linktree

I don’t think I’m going to move off of pinboard, but looks neat

I ❀️ the NHS part 103

I’ve been fixed up after a spot of comedy goalkeeping earlier in the week

splinted finger

Annual-ish tweet/toot/post to say I think it’s amazing that Oxford and Cambridge have both reached the Boat Race final again

I have chips on both shoulders

Harry Houdini and the Barrel of Tetley's

#TodayILearned that, when he was in Leeds, Houdini was sponsored by Tetley’s Bitter to perform his ‘escaping from a locked milk churn full of water’ trick with the milk churn instead filled with beer

The trick depended on air being trapped in the domed lid of the churn, and in that instance the air was largely replaced with CO2 and alcohol fumes

The escape failed and Houdini was rescued by his assistant

Timewatch, 2000-2001: The Houdini Myth: via @bbciplayer


Houdini in his milk churn, surrounded by policemen

#TodayILearned that the Galway Girl in Steve Earle’s song, but not in Ed Sheeran’s song, is called Joyce Redmond, and she plays the bodhrΓ‘n on the Steve Earle one 🎡

“As Mr. Pickwick beautifully observes, it has somehow or other happened, from time immemorial, that many of the best and ablest philosophers, who have been perfect lights of science in matters of theory, have been wholly unable to reduce them to practice.”

I very much like the idea of matters of theory being ‘reduced’ to practice

Pickwick papers audiobook cover