#TodayILearned that to remove the two different timestamps I tend to use you can do this in Powershell

$ErrorText = $ErrorText -replace "_\d{12}", ""

$ErrorText = $ErrorText -replace "_\d{8}T\d{10}", ""

After the Flood

I very much agree with the Grauniad

After the Flood is about how big global changes play out in microcosmic terms. The local councillor’s flummery when confronted (mostly by Molly – do not mess with a community linchpin who is distracting herself from grief) about the lack of sandbags, sirens and other resources that might have mitigated the dangers is emblematic of international inertia in the face of looming planetary catastrophe. The tragic failure of the old couple’s preparations shows the limits of what we as individuals – or even individual countries – can do. This message would be depressing enough to cause viewers to desert the show in droves, were it not folded into a good story playing out among even better characters, and made extra palatable by the rare and delightful sense that you are unexpectedly being served something much, much better than it needs to be.

After the Flood review – an unexpectedly riveting disaster drama | Television | The Guardian

Hello, world (again)

After running a blog of some description on Bloglines, then Blogspot, then Wordpress at Bluehosts (boo!), then WordPress.com, then Hugo somewhere or other then Hugo on GitHub pages….I’m giving micro.blog a go

Jakub Jares - Common Mistakes in Pester Tests

Probably best to do Right Click, then Open in New Tab to make this legible

Sketchnote of talk by Jakub Jares on 'Common Mistakes in Pester Tests'

one-liner to create an excel changlog from git commit messages

git log --pretty=format:%ad,%h,%an,%s $filename | 
    convertfrom-csv -Header Date,HashThingy, Who, Comment | 
    Export-Excel c:\temp\ChangeLog.xlsx -TitleBold -AutoSize -FreezeTopRow -AutoFilter

Javascript bookmarklet to create markdown-style link

This bookmarklet creates a markdown-style link for the current webpage

javascript:function htmlEscape(s){s=s.replace(/&/g,'&');s=s.replace(/>/g,'>');s=s.replace(/</g,'<');return s;} function linkEscape(s){s=s.replace(/&/g,'&');s=s.replace(/"/,'"');return s} h = '[' + htmlEscape(document.title) + ']' + '(' + linkEscape(location.href)  + ')'; with(window.open().document){write(h+'<form name=f><textarea  name=a rows=5 cols=80 wrap=hard>'+htmlEscape(h)+'</textarea></form>'); close(); f.a.select(); } void 0

It’s shamelessly ripped off from this bookmarklet which creates an html-style link for the current webpage

javascript:function htmlEscape(s){s=s.replace(/&/g,'&');s=s.replace(/>/g,'>');s=s.replace(/</g,'<');return s;} function linkEscape(s){s=s.replace(/&/g,'&');s=s.replace(/"/,'"');return s} h = '<a href="' + linkEscape(location.href) + '">' + htmlEscape(document.title) + '</a>'; with(window.open().document){write(h+'<form name=f><textarea  name=a rows=5 cols=80 wrap=hard>'+htmlEscape(h)+'</textarea></form>'); close(); f.a.select(); } void 0

I got the above, I think, from Web Development Bookmarklets

More about bookmarklets:

[IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles vs. Get-ChildItem

On my laptop, with a fairly random set of files, I found that


….is a lot quicker than


….given that all I wanted was the filename.

Here is the test I did:

11:24 [1.83] C:\powershell >measure-command {$x = [IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles("c:\temp", "*", 'AllDirectories')} | select milliseconds


14:26 [0.02] C:\powershell >measure-command {$x = [IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles("c:\temp", "*", 'AllDirectories')} | select milliseconds


14:26 [0.01] C:\powershell >measure-command {$x = [IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles("c:\temp", "*", 'AllDirectories')} | select milliseconds


14:26 [0.01] C:\powershell >measure-command {$x = get-childitem -recurse "c:\temp"} | select milliseconds


14:26 [1.14] C:\powershell >measure-command {$x = get-childitem -recurse "c:\temp"} | select milliseconds


14:26 [0.74] C:\powershell >measure-command {$x = get-childitem -recurse "c:\temp"} | select milliseconds


Why Powershell

Sketchnote on the many virtues of Powershell

My $Myvimrc

set nocompatible
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
behave mswin

set guifont=Consolas:h12:cANSI
syntax on
colorscheme murphy

set backupdir=c:\temp
set directory=c:\temp
set undodir=c:\temp
set spellfile=C:\matt\bin\markdown.latin1.add
set ignorecase

let mapleader = ","
map <Leader>d :%s/xxTodaysDate/\=strftime('%d %B %Y')<CR>
map <Leader>t .,$Tab /, "
map <Leader>b <Esc>I<li><Esc>A</li><Esc>
map <Leader>m o### xxxTitle<Cr><Cr>```<Cr>xxxContent<Cr>```<Esc>?xxx<Cr>C

map xxq I<blockquote><Esc>
map xqx A</blockquote><Esc>
map xxl I<li><Esc>A</li><Esc>

podcasts I listen to - some episodes

I’ve split the list into three posts, depending on whether I listen religiously to every episode, or just most episodes, or whether I cherry pick the ones that interest me:

This .opml file should be import-able into podcast apps

When I started consuming podcasts, I was very ‘hunt-and-peck’. I had a list of podcasts in an RSS reader and I would only download individual episodes that I thought looked interesting. ‘Interesting’ meaning ‘interesting to me’. I’ve only started downloading every episode of some podcasts fairly recently.

….anyway, I often download from all of these, but typically not every episode.

Bullseye with Jesse Thorn - very good celebrity/artist interview show RSS link

Conversations - another good interview show RSS link

A Point of View - BBC essay series. Older ones are by Clive James RSS link

All Songs Considered - music RSS link

Analysis - Radio 4 current affairs RSS link

Books and Authors - Radio 4 books RSS link

Anything But Silent - British Library podcast RSS link

Library Talks - author talks RSS link

Documentary on One - RTE Documentaries - docs from the Irish state broadcaster RSS link

The Documentary Podcast - docs from the British state broadcaster….I think this was World Service RSS link

The Radio 3 Documentary - more docs RSS link

Free Library Podcast - a greate archive of author talks RSS link

Fresh Air - US cultural show RSS link

The Intelligence - either the FT or the Economist RSS link

Game of Our Lives - football podcast RSS link

HARDtalk - tough, long-ish interviews with poiliticans etc RSS link

Headliners - Nihal Arthanayake interviewing mainly celebrity types. He’s very good at it RSS link

Here’s The Thing with Alec Baldwin - celebrity interviewing celebrities RSS link

Hip Hop Saved My Life with Romesh Ranganathan - Romesh interviews hip-hop fans and celebs RSS link

History Extra podcast - history, obviously RSS link

RTE - The History Show - also, history RSS link

I Was There - eye-witness accounts of stuff RSS link

In Our Time - Melvyn Bragg talks to academic on a subject. I enjoy the ‘easier’ ones RSS link

Little Atoms - podcast with a rationalist, atheist perspective RSS link

LSE: Public lectures and events - college podcast RSS link

Page 94: The Private Eye Podcast - the more serious bits of the mag RSS link

PODAROONEY - interviews by comedian/Father Ted actor Joe Rooney RSS link

Public lecture podcasts - college podcast RSS link

The Reith Lectures - prestigious annual BBC podcast RSS link

Shedunnit - ‘golden age’ crime fiction podcast RSS link

Sodajerker On Songwriting - interviews with songwriters of different levels of fame, specifically about the song-writing RSS link

Soul Music - about a specific song and what it means to people RSS link

Steve Wrights Big Guests - broadcasting genius as far as I’m concerned, but I only really download the episodes where it’s an interviewee I’m interested in RSS link

The Comedian’s Comedian Podcast - comedians talking about comedy and other stuff RSS link

The Guardian’s Audio Long Reads - audio versions of longer articles. RSS link

The Penguin Podcast - conversations with writers RSS link

Witness History - short-ish eye-witness accounts of stuff RSS link

World Book Club - talks with writers RSS link

Writers and Company from CBC Radio - more talks with writers RSS link

WTF with Marc Maron Podcast - I hadn’t heard of Marc Maron before the podcast. He’s a US comedian and actor. The podcast is hime interviewing people in his garage, including, famously, Barack Obama while he was still President RSS link

Meet Me at the Museum - people visit museums RSS link

You’re Dead To Me - history podcast RSS link

Dolly Parton’s America - a series about Ms Parton and her place in the world RSS link

Seem to be defunct :(

Bunce’s Tales of the Extraordinary - stories about sports-people RSS link

FT Life of a Song - short doc’s about specific songs RSS link

podcasts I listen to - some episodes

I’ve split the list into three posts, depending on whether I listen religiously to every episode, or just most episodes, or whether I cherry pick the ones that interest me:

This .opml file should be import-able into podcast apps

When I started consuming podcasts, I was very ‘hunt-and-peck’. I had a list of podcasts in an RSS reader and I would only download individual episodes that I thought looked interesting. ‘Interesting’ meaning ‘interesting to me’. I’ve only started downloading every episode of some podcasts fairly recently.

….anyway, I often download from all of these, but typically not every episode.

Bullseye with Jesse Thorn - very good celebrity/artist interview show RSS link

Conversations - another good interview show RSS link

A Point of View - BBC essay series. Older ones are by Clive James RSS link

All Songs Considered - music RSS link

Analysis - Radio 4 current affairs RSS link

Books and Authors - Radio 4 books RSS link

Anything But Silent - British Library podcast RSS link

Library Talks - author talks RSS link

Documentary on One - RTE Documentaries - docs from the Irish state broadcaster RSS link

The Documentary Podcast - docs from the British state broadcaster….I think this was World Service RSS link

The Radio 3 Documentary - more docs RSS link

Free Library Podcast - a greate archive of author talks RSS link

Fresh Air - US cultural show RSS link

The Intelligence - either the FT or the Economist RSS link

Game of Our Lives - football podcast RSS link

HARDtalk - tough, long-ish interviews with poiliticans etc RSS link

Headliners - Nihal Arthanayake interviewing mainly celebrity types. He’s very good at it RSS link

Here’s The Thing with Alec Baldwin - celebrity interviewing celebrities RSS link

Hip Hop Saved My Life with Romesh Ranganathan - Romesh interviews hip-hop fans and celebs RSS link

History Extra podcast - history, obviously RSS link

RTE - The History Show - also, history RSS link

I Was There - eye-witness accounts of stuff RSS link

In Our Time - Melvyn Bragg talks to academic on a subject. I enjoy the ‘easier’ ones RSS link

Little Atoms - podcast with a rationalist, atheist perspective RSS link

LSE: Public lectures and events - college podcast RSS link

Page 94: The Private Eye Podcast - the more serious bits of the mag RSS link

PODAROONEY - interviews by comedian/Father Ted actor Joe Rooney RSS link

Public lecture podcasts - college podcast RSS link

The Reith Lectures - prestigious annual BBC podcast RSS link

Shedunnit - ‘golden age’ crime fiction podcast RSS link

Sodajerker On Songwriting - interviews with songwriters of different levels of fame, specifically about the song-writing RSS link

Soul Music - about a specific song and what it means to people RSS link

Steve Wrights Big Guests - broadcasting genius as far as I’m concerned, but I only really download the episodes where it’s an interviewee I’m interested in RSS link

The Comedian’s Comedian Podcast - comedians talking about comedy and other stuff RSS link

The Guardian’s Audio Long Reads - audio versions of longer articles. RSS link

The Penguin Podcast - conversations with writers RSS link

Witness History - short-ish eye-witness accounts of stuff RSS link

World Book Club - talks with writers RSS link

Writers and Company from CBC Radio - more talks with writers RSS link

WTF with Marc Maron Podcast - I hadn’t heard of Marc Maron before the podcast. He’s a US comedian and actor. The podcast is hime interviewing people in his garage, including, famously, Barack Obama while he was still President RSS link

Meet Me at the Museum - people visit museums RSS link

You’re Dead To Me - history podcast RSS link

Dolly Parton’s America - a series about Ms Parton and her place in the world RSS link

Seem to be defunct :(

Bunce’s Tales of the Extraordinary - stories about sports-people RSS link

FT Life of a Song - short doc’s about specific songs RSS link

Hugo error: execute of template failed: template: _default/list.html:8:23: executing 'main' at <.Pages.Date.Reverse>: can't evaluate field Date in type page.Pages

Got this:

Building sites - WARN 2020/02/18 18:08:30 .File.Dir on zero object. Wrap it in if or with: 
{{ with .File }}{{ .Dir }}{{ end }}
Built in 63859 ms
Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "section" failed: "C:\matt\website\layouts\_default\list.html:8:23": execute of template failed: template: _default/list.html:8:23: executing "main" at <.Pages.Date.Reverse>: can't evaluate field Date in type page.Pages

I think this was because I had the line:

        {{ range .Pages.Date.Reverse}}

….in my list.html

It should be:

        {{ range .Pages.ByDate.Reverse}}

Script to Setup Markdown Pages for All the Sketchnotes



sqlserver and related




Anything that isn’t powershell, sqlserver or other stuff I’ve got as a category




Zacharias, Melody - Distributed Replay

Yungman, Matan - MongoDb for the Sql professional